About Claude SG

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So far Claude SG has created 374 blog entries.

Google Goggles for Android

Google Goggles, apart for the funny (confusing) name, is an Android app that lets you search on Google using photos from your phone camera. Basically they get the image, perform OCR (it can recognize objects, places, text) and return relevant search results.

It can recognize the place you are in (without using […]

By |2014-05-07T05:25:56-04:00May 26, 2010|Productivity|Comments Off on Google Goggles for Android

Google Universe – Sky Map

Google Sky Map for Android (not Google Universe) lets you discover the night sky by pointing your phone somewhere in the sky. You heard it right, because this application can track your Android phone’s GPS location and show you a star based on your location. This will let you explore stars, […]

By |2014-05-07T05:26:19-04:00May 25, 2010|Entertainment|Comments Off on Google Universe – Sky Map

Facebook for Android

Facebook for Android™ is the official application that lets you stay connected and share information with your friends on Facebook. It only has a few of the full features that regular Facebook has, but with Facebook for Android you can still share status updates, check out the news feed, see what’s […]

By |2014-05-07T05:26:34-04:00May 24, 2010|Social media|Comments Off on Facebook for Android

Seesmic, your Android Twitter app

Seesmic is the best Twitter client for Android phones, a very powerful app and the choice of many Android users that are on Twitter. Seesmic’s main features:


Seesmic for Android allows you to manage multiple Twitter accounts in the same instance, see your Twitter timelines, private conversations as well as be notified […]

By |2014-05-07T05:26:51-04:00May 23, 2010|Social media|Comments Off on Seesmic, your Android Twitter app
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