About Claude SG

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So far Claude SG has created 374 blog entries.

Lexulous, the social scrabble game

My wife loves scrabble, to the point where she plays it via a web interface with other logged in online players all over the world. However the game I saw her play has a major disadvantage, it’s turn based but the time limit allotted for each player is 20 minutes. So […]

By |2014-05-07T05:14:00-04:00January 22, 2013|Entertainment, Games|Comments Off on Lexulous, the social scrabble game

Animal Flow, help animals get home

In a little over 2 years, GameZen became one of the most profitable gaming companies in Korea. It has over 60 developers on-board passionately creating mobile games in 3 categories: green (social), orange (strategy) and blue (arcade). Their games (especially popular ones such as Civilization War, Nuclear War, Hello Kitty Coffee […]

By |2014-05-07T05:14:13-04:00January 21, 2013|Entertainment, Games|Comments Off on Animal Flow, help animals get home

Cameran, first app designed by an artist, Mika Ninagawa

From the first time you get to use Cameran you have the certainty that it was created by an artist. Which is indeed true, the app is inspired by Mika Ninagawa, Japan’s most famous photographer.

Cameran is the first of its kind, an app that allows you to add different […]

By |2014-05-07T05:14:36-04:00January 18, 2013|Photography|Comments Off on Cameran, first app designed by an artist, Mika Ninagawa

Percentage Calculator, doing the math for you

Oh, math and its challenges. If you’re like the majority of people, chances are you’re not very good with percentages, at least not with the complex ones – fast, if a shirt costs $20 after a 20% discount, what was its original price? This app helps you in those situations where […]

By |2014-05-07T05:15:01-04:00January 15, 2013|Tools|Comments Off on Percentage Calculator, doing the math for you

App Sync, easily migrate app data between Android devices

Do you back-up your smartphone or tablet or have a scenario in place in case something wrong happens (i.e. your phone gets lost or dog chews it)? If you don’t then you might start considering to do so.

The App Sync Android application helps you with that. As the […]

By |2014-05-07T05:16:06-04:00January 14, 2013|Tools|Comments Off on App Sync, easily migrate app data between Android devices

Cat & Dog Food Diet Calculator – no more Garfields!

Do you own a cat or a dog? If you do, there’s a good reason for owning one, you love them. They’re like your children and you would suffer a lot if anything were to happen to them.

This is why you have to be careful on what you feed them. Just […]

By |2014-05-07T05:16:39-04:00January 14, 2013|Health & Fitness|Comments Off on Cat & Dog Food Diet Calculator – no more Garfields!

FxGuru, control UFOs from your Andoid phone

Update 3: We’re definitely going to organize a giveaway in the future for FxGuru, so subscribe to receive notifications of when that happens here: http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=freeappsandroid

Update 2: The giveaway is over, the winner for the 5 special effects is Prakhar Vyas which we’ve just contacted, this is a video that […]

By |2014-05-07T05:17:44-04:00January 11, 2013|Entertainment, Featured|Comments Off on FxGuru, control UFOs from your Andoid phone

DayDream Dave, fun Arcade game for Android

A romp through the skies with DayDream Dave. Daydream Dave is a great big scrolly platform game.
Daydream Dave is lost at sea. He falls, bounces and flies through the sky collecting the treasures until he is rescued.
The game is packed with action, puzzles and drama and has over 40 massive levels. […]

By |2014-05-07T05:18:09-04:00March 28, 2012|Games|Comments Off on DayDream Dave, fun Arcade game for Android

Protect your photos with Sweet Home WiFi Picture Backup

The Sweet Home Picture Backup app automates backup of pictures from your phone to your PC or Network Access Storage as you get connected to your home Wifi network.

Sweet Home Wifi Picture Backup helps you avoid loosing your pictures if your phone memory is corrupted, or if you loose the phone. […]

By |2013-02-26T03:44:04-04:00January 16, 2012|Security|Comments Off on Protect your photos with Sweet Home WiFi Picture Backup
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