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So far Claude SG has created 374 blog entries.

CheckTheCrowd – it’s the people, not the place


There’s a saying in my country that basically says the most important thing in feeling better is being surrounded by nice people, not by living in a nice place. It’s the people, not the place that make a good impression on you when you visit something, be it a local pub […]

By |2013-09-17T02:47:31-04:00September 17, 2013|Featured, Travel & Local|Comments Off on CheckTheCrowd – it’s the people, not the place

‘Learn to run’ – training app for Android


From the first college years me and my friends kept telling each other we have to start jogging to keep in shape. Yet every time going out for a beer and a pizza or a movie sounded better and the jogging part got voted out. Then another motivational speech the next […]

By |2013-09-13T03:01:13-04:00September 13, 2013|Featured, Health & Fitness|Comments Off on ‘Learn to run’ – training app for Android

Taser people with your smartphone using ‘Taser stun gun’ (simulation)


Tasers are electroshock devices used to immobilize those individuals that pose a threat (supposedly) to a law enforcement or military personnel. A taser uses electrical current (pulsating) to interfere between signals sent from the brain to the muscles, thus immobilizing the culprit. If you haven’t seen the movie ‘Hangover’, I recommend […]

By |2013-09-10T02:09:53-04:00September 10, 2013|Entertainment, Featured|Comments Off on Taser people with your smartphone using ‘Taser stun gun’ (simulation)

Help aliens get home with ‘Flip the Aliens’ for Android


Everyone has an appetite for alien stories, games and movies as it is the only thing that tickle our brains with the question ‘Are we alone in the Universe?’. A question I hope to get an answer before I meet my end. I’m pretty sure that given the billions of planets […]

By |2013-09-10T02:02:55-04:00September 9, 2013|Featured, Games|Comments Off on Help aliens get home with ‘Flip the Aliens’ for Android

StoryPod, your own mobile cinema


I like short movies because the ideas are concentrated and you don’t have to watch some fill-up content that a Hollywood director decided to add to get the movie up to 2 hours. For some ‘blockbusters’ is enough to watch the trailer to know everything about. The ‘IMDB Top 250’ list […]

By |2014-05-07T04:59:29-04:00September 5, 2013|Entertainment, Featured|Comments Off on StoryPod, your own mobile cinema

Dude, ‘Who took my phone”?


You work a full year up to the point where vacation time comes. Then you go to Ibiza and decide to go for a swim in the water with your friends leaving most of your belongings on the shore. You come back 15 minutes later and see that everything is gone, […]

By |2013-09-03T02:17:41-04:00September 3, 2013|Featured, Security|Comments Off on Dude, ‘Who took my phone”?

Wobbly Bubbles, a 3D live wallpaper for Android smartphones


James Blinn is a computer scientist that worked for NASA and created some amazing computer graphics animations for the Voyager project back in 1977. Those animations depicted the encounter of Voyager with various planets, for instance the Saturn fly-by. He did similar animations for Carl Sagan’s documentaries and invented the techniques […]

By |2013-09-02T02:19:02-04:00September 2, 2013|Featured, Personalization|Comments Off on Wobbly Bubbles, a 3D live wallpaper for Android smartphones

Prez Games, presidential election board game for Android


Board games are one of the oldest methods of recreation ever invented. ‘Senet’ was the name of a surprisingly complex board game invented by the Egyptians and archaeologists place it around 3500 BC. That’s well over 5000 years ago and board games are here to stay, even with the advancement of […]

By |2013-08-30T15:10:58-04:00August 30, 2013|Featured, Games|Comments Off on Prez Games, presidential election board game for Android

Escape from 3D labyrinths with Fruit Ball for Android


For those of a certain age the sound of a pinball machine brings up good memories, from simpler times when you had to visit a game room to play Arcade games. The pinball machines were some of the most popular forms of entertainment in those rooms (when the Pacman one was […]

By |2013-08-28T10:22:14-04:00August 28, 2013|Entertainment, Featured|Comments Off on Escape from 3D labyrinths with Fruit Ball for Android

Algebra can be fun with Hands-on Equations


From the first year in school (7 years old) we all heard stories about the math teacher, the most feared one in the entire school. To put it into perspective, kids would rather be taught by a hybrid between Lord Voldemort and Sauron rather than take his class. Everyone would feel […]

By |2013-08-27T05:06:10-04:00August 27, 2013|Education, Featured|Comments Off on Algebra can be fun with Hands-on Equations
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