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So far Claude SG has created 374 blog entries.

Electroneum App for Android (Wallet & Miner)

UPDATE 4: Want to earn a chance to win 5000 ETN tokens? Just use the following referral code in your Electroneum Android app (tap on “Earn free coins” from the Electroneum app):

You’ll get a chance to win the weekly prize of 5000 ETN tokens offered officially by […]

By |2022-09-12T14:36:03-04:00October 19, 2017|Finance|Comments Off on Electroneum App for Android (Wallet & Miner)

Android Excellence: 25 apps and games that every user should install

There are millions of apps on Google Play that range from crappy ones to excellent bits of Android juice. The crappy ones are easy to recognize, but what makes an app/game Excellent? Google recently named 25 titles for their Android Excellence collection, and judging by those they picked these […]

By |2022-09-12T14:36:04-04:00October 9, 2017|Games|Comments Off on Android Excellence: 25 apps and games that every user should install

Free Bitcoins by playing Android games – scam or not?

Ah, le mirage du Bitcoin. A few years back I was very skeptic about Bitcoin. I thought it will fall as fast as it rose. At that point the price was about $200, and now Bitcoin is nearly $4,000. Had I […]

By |2022-09-12T14:36:05-04:00September 22, 2017|Games|Comments Off on Free Bitcoins by playing Android games – scam or not?

Follow Cassini’s #GrandFinale crash into Saturn with several Android apps

Cassini–Huygens (still) is a spacecraft designed and launched into space mainly by NASA to reach planet Saturn. It’s not the first space probe sent to Saturn, but it is the first to enter its orbit and ultimately kamikaze its way into destruction. All while sending incredible images and data of both […]

By |2022-09-12T14:36:05-04:00September 15, 2017|Tools|Comments Off on Follow Cassini’s #GrandFinale crash into Saturn with several Android apps

Beautiful #ARCore examples that show augmented reality apps are the next big thing

Google recently launched ARCore, a kit for app developers to be able to build faster & easier augmented reality apps. Augmented reality apps are not a new thing, just that until now I can barely name a dozen such apps that picked up in popularity. Pokemon Go comes to […]

By |2022-09-12T14:36:06-04:00September 12, 2017|Android Development|Comments Off on Beautiful #ARCore examples that show augmented reality apps are the next big thing

Become an Android Developer with a free Google scholarship

UPDATE: The scholarships were sent out, so if you received one email saying that you got accepted, if not you’ll receive a dreadful email that sounds like this


Due to the high volume and quality of applications we received, and the finite number of spaces available, we are unable to […]

By |2022-09-12T14:36:06-04:00September 6, 2017|Android Development|Comments Off on Become an Android Developer with a free Google scholarship

Epom Apps: Ad monetization platform for iOS and Android with direct & programmatic offers

Publishing your app/game is a challenge for any developer. Usually most devs think that this is the toughest part, unfortunately it isn’t. The toughest part is making money from your app or game. Between discoverability (3 million other apps in Google Play and counting) and monetization, there is so much work […]

By |2022-09-12T14:36:07-04:00August 18, 2017|Android Marketing|Comments Off on Epom Apps: Ad monetization platform for iOS and Android with direct & programmatic offers

Darkest Hunters, a retro RPG with match-3 elements

When Diablo was released I played it to the point where I was almost kicked out of school. It was my first game with a sort-of “dark” theme and to this day kept his place in my good memories from those times (ahhh, all the gaming).

The Game

I’m always scouting Google Play […]

By |2022-09-12T14:36:08-04:00August 14, 2017|Games|Comments Off on Darkest Hunters, a retro RPG with match-3 elements

Submit your Russian-localized app to Google’s “Now in Russian” collection

Comrades Android devs, there’s a new promotion opportunity for your apps and especially games. I always recommend developers to have their apps localized in as many languages as possible, on the principle of The More, The Better. 99.99% of those 3 million apps listed in Google Play are available in English […]

By |2022-09-12T14:36:08-04:00August 9, 2017|Android Marketing|Comments Off on Submit your Russian-localized app to Google’s “Now in Russian” collection
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