I’ve just received an email from Duolingo, that I’ve been using it to study languages for 10 years:

I’ve been using mostly the Free version of it, not the Super subscription. You know what I’ve learned the most in these 10 years of being a Duolingo user? How to view ads.

Joke aside, I managed to learn a bit of German. Not enough to casually understand German text or speak it, but to say things like “My bear is very lazy” or other expressions you use on a daily regular basis.

I’m a bit disappointed by their marketing team though. I mean I’ve been a 10 years’ long user and they notified me of that, they could’ve offered a free 3-day Super subscription to award loyalty. Opportunity missed, I’m not loyal anymore, I’ve started keeping Duolingo right on the verge of losing the strike (i.e. not exercising for 2 days, just enough for the strike protection to kick in). How about you reader, got anything out of your Duolingo practice that helped you in real life?